Research Areas
- Genetics & Genomics
- Cell Biology
- Cancer
How are RNAs regulated in health and disease? How can RNA be manipulated to control cellular decisions?
The Zamudio lab uses biological systems and computational techniques to discover how RNAs function to promote healthy cellular behavior and to determine how their dysfunction contributes to human diseases. We fit mechanisms of RNA regulation into global gene expression programs with goals of predicting and altering cellular decisions. This fundamental research advances our understanding of gene regulation and will lead to new therapeutic approaches for disease treatment.
Jesse received his Ph.D. in microbiology studying RNA capping and splicing in pathogenic parasites under the mentorship of Dr. David Campbell and Dr. Nancy Sturm. His postdoctoral studies were performed under the mentorship of Dr. Phil Sharp at the MIT Cancer Center. He joined the UCLA faculty in 2016. His research experience spans RNA biochemistry, enzymology, microbiology, cancer and stem cell biology. Originally from the San Fernando Valley, he is a first-generation college student graduating with a B.S. in Chemistry from UCLA. His research interests include characterizing regulatory RNA and RNA splicing in the gene networks that are critical to maintain healthy cells. If he is not in lab, he is likely outdoors: cooking, gardening, looking for an opportunity to build, fix or play something.
Lab Manager
Jesse is a Los Angeles native who spent over twenty years in the healthcare logistics industry helping coordinate optimal patient care in the area. He moved to biomedical research to feed a natural passion for learning and teaching. Jesse has implemented several new systems for lab organization, efficient research and team communication. He earned an honorary doctorate degree in Getting Things Done from the Zamudio lab in early 2022. Outside of the lab, he has a well-respected record of community leadership and service in the San Fernando Valley. He is a motorcycle enthusiast and commutes daily to UCLA on one of his Harleys.
jessemartinez77 [at]
Researcher/Graduate Student
BS,’21, Northwestern University, Evanston IL; MM, UCLA '23
Emma completed her undergraduate degree at Northwestern University and M.M. at UCLA. During her time at Northwestern Emma worked in the Pinkett Lab with a focus in molecular biosciences and chemotherapeutics. Emma additionally spent time in the SONIC/ATLAS lab collaborating with NASA’s long-range space missions, working in both Russian and English as part of the HERA research project. Outside of the lab, Emma is pursuing an active career in trumpet performance whilst feeding a graduate-school-level caffeine addiction.
ecb1820 [at]
Graduate Student
BS, ’16, UCSD, San Diego, CA
Rafael is a native of Long Beach, CA and a PhD student in the Molecular Biology Interdepartmental Program. Before UCLA, Rafael received a B.S. in Biochemistry and Cell Biology at the University of California, San Diego and a M.S. in Biology at California State University, Los Angeles where he conducted research in the Hayes lab studying RNA editing in plants. Currently, Rafael is interested in the RNAi machinery’s potential role in regulating the transcription of major satellite ncRNAs from the pericentromere in mESCs. Outside of lab, Rafael enjoys playing video games, playing basketball, visiting Disneyland, hiking, and going to the theaters.
rsandoval723 [at]
Graduate Student
BS, ’22, Ohio State University , Columbus, OH
Cori is from Beavercreek, Ohio and is a PhD student in the Molecular Biology Interdepartmental Program. Before making the big move to Los Angeles, Cori received a B.S. in Molecular Genetics and Microbiology at the Ohio State University. During her time at OSU, she conducted research in the Singh Lab studying Nonsense Mediated mRNA Decay, a eukaryotic gene regulation pathway that functions to degrade mRNAs that contain premature stop codons. Cori is excited to continue her research in RNA biology and to explore novel mechanisms of gene regulation mediated by RNAs. Besides being a cool scientist, Cori enjoys playing basketball, playing her guitar, listening to music, and relaxing at the beach.
coridilsavor1 [at]
Undergraduate Researcher
UCLA Class of '25
Nadia is a second year undergraduate student from San Francisco majoring in microbiology, immunology, and molecular genetics. Nadia is interested in gene regulation in relation to cancer and other diseases. In the Zamudio lab, she is currently learning about the involvement of noncoding RNA in cancer as well as computational approaches to data analysis. Outside of the lab, Nadia is part of the UCLA swim club, and enjoys painting, reading, and spending time outdoors.
nagrishanina [at]
Jul 7, 2023
PMID: 37418531
Coulis G, Jaime D, Guerrero-Juarez C, Kastenschmidt JM, Farahat PK, Nguyen Q, Pervolarakis N, McLinden K, Thurlow L, Movahedi S, Hughes BS, Duarte J, Sorn A, Montoya E, Mozaffar I, Dragan M, Othy S, Joshi T, Hans CP, Kimonis V, MacLean AL, Nie Q, Wallace LM, Harper SQ, Mozaffar T, Hogarth MW, Bhattacharya S, Jaiswal JK, Golann DR, Su Q, Kessenbrock K, Stec M, Spencer MJ, Zamudio JR, Villalta SA.
Mar 23, 2023
PMID: 36993368
Mart Nez-Terroba E, de Miguel FJ, Li V, Robles-Oteiza C, Politi K, Zamudio JR, Dimitrova N.
Aug 8, 2021
PMID: 34399163
Hancock G.V., Liu W, Peretz L, Chen D, Gell JJ, Collier AJ, Zamudio JR, Plath K, Clark AT
Aug 3, 2021
PMID: 34326251
Tesfaye E., Bendor J., Martinez-Terroba E., Bendor J., Winkler L., Olivero C., Chen K., Feldser D.M., Zamudio J.R.*, Dimitrova N.*
Mitochondrial apoptotic priming is a key determinant of cell fate upon p53 restoration.
June 6, 2021
PMID: 34074758
Sánchez-Rivera F.J., Ryan J., Soto-Feliciano Y.M., Beytagh M.C., Xuan L., Feldser D.M., Hemann M., Zamudio J.R., Dimitrova N., Letai A., Jacks T
p53 activates the long noncoding RNA Pvt1b to inhibit Myc and suppress tumorigenesis.
Feb 20, 2020
PMID: 319738990
Olivero C., Martínez-T erroba E., Zimmer J., Liao C., Hooshdaran N., Tesfaye E., Bendor J., Schofield J., Simon M., Zamudio J.R., Dimitrova N.
Nov 26, 2019
PMID: 31775039
Kelly T.J., Brümmer A., Hooshdaran N., Tariveranmoshabad M., Zamudio J.R.
UCLA PEERS students visit the lab
Nov 11, 2023
Cori hosts undergraduates from the UCLA PEERS program for a Zamudio lab tour
Nov 3, 2023
Cori presents poster on p53 and Dicer in oncogene-induced senescence at University of California, Riverside
Discussing pericentromeric long noncoding RNAs at UCLA
April 12, 2023
Rafael presents for UCLA Gene Regulation Journal Club and Riboforum
Meet Emma Breen, Twenty-First Century Music Student
January 30, 2023
Emma is featured in student perspectives for UCLA School of Music
UCLA Riboforum becomes an official RNA Society Salon
Sep 1, 2022
Please join our monthly research in progress seminar series. They are held the second Wednesday of each month at 3:30p in Boyer 159
Jesse R. Zamudio
610 Charles E. Young Drive East
Box 957239
Los Angeles, CA 90095
email: jesse.zamudio [at]
voice: (310)825-4176
c/o Zamudio Lab at UCLA
Biomedical Sciences Research Building
615 Charles E Young Dr. South
Los Angeles CA 90095-8348
Jesse was a member of the first UCLEADS undergraduate researcher cohort at UCLA and would welcome any collaboration with serious young researchers. Please visit the UCLA Undergraduate Research Center for information on research at UCLA. Currently there are no openings to join the team. Openings will be updated each quarter here.
We are excited that you are considering UCLA and the Zamudio Lab for your graduate work. Please apply directly to the UCLA Graduate Program in Bioscience. The Zamudio lab's associated home areas are: Gene Regulation · Cell & Developmental Biology
Inquiries are welcome from innovative and dedicated researchers. Please send your curriculum vitae, research statement and references to jesse.zamudio All complete applications will be considered.
We are located in the Biomedical Sciences Research Building (BSRB) on the UCLA campus. BSRB is located directly across from the Lot 2 parking lot. If driving, daily parking permits in Lot 2 may be difficult to find. Parking along a Santa Monica Big Blue Bus line and riding in is a good alternative since Lot 2 is a terminal stop on most routes.
To find us, enter BSRB through either the North or South side double doors and find the central stairway. Take the stairs to the fourth floor. As you reach the fourth floor, my office (450C) will be immediately through the central double doors on the North side. To reach the lab, turn right off the stairs and walk all the way to the end of the corridor to find BSRB 454. If you get lost, feel free to call. The lab phone number is (310) 825-9527 and Jesse's office phone is (310) 825-4176.